Are you spending time where it matters most? Here’s How to Find out.

I was sitting listening to the host of the event when I noticed something:

I wasn’t cringing at the word “community”. In fact, for the first time in my entrepreneurial journey, I felt like I belonged.

Like a flash, I was pulled back into our Her Authentic Self session earlier that day where we’d discussed strengths. In presenting the content and guiding the conversation, I had uncovered my own awareness around a strength that finds itself at the bottom of my assessment results: teamwork.

So many of us are sitting at home by ourselves and wondering if this is it. Doubt floods our days and worry fills our week as we are constantly wondering if we’re doing enough, if we’re good enough - if only someone would let us know either way! This is the stuckness.

This is the blocker we need to break down in order to have any chance at accessing our potential.

And both the self-employed and contributors in corporate are experiencing it.

After all, we are human beings who are craving a sense of belonging. To feel seen and be heard. And when you find a group of like-minded people who lift you up, inspire you, and cheer you on, you unlock another level of possibility, of opportunity.

You can shift your thinking faster, take meaningful action in less time, and accelerate your path to success.

Who you spend your time with matters.

You are a reflection of those you surround yourself with.

Have you asked yourself: Who am I spending time with?

When you look to your goal, are the people in your world those you’d be connected with if your goal was realized?

The people who have given up on their dreams are ready to give you a shovel to bury yours.” - Hina Khan

Are you surrounded by those that build or bury?

Community has the power to open the door to possibility: to give us access to a higher frequency at which to operate. When we seek support in community we feel happier, more fulfilled, and aligned to our purpose.

Something shifts within us when we hear our story in someone else; we can relate, understand, and learn from a shared experience. It expands our capacity for self-awareness and learning, and we can move through our blockers in a new and inspired way.

What would it feel like if you could connect with a group of like-minded people? If you could receive new ideas, insights, and inspiration to move through your biggest challenges?

Imagine how a sense of belonging could unlock what really is keeping you stuck so that you could move forward with energy and commitment?

Sitting at that event, I was reminded of the power of shared experiences and subsequently a sense of belonging. It ignited something in me. While teamwork doesn’t come to me easily or naturally, I always have access to it. I felt myself reaching for that lower strength, dialing up my intentions around connection and collaboration in order to be of service and create impactful experiences for clients.

I realized I had an opportunity to serve the small but mighty community I have started to build. After all, I’m coaching my clients to expand their thinking and expand their learning, so why not expand my offerings? And so I created Her Authentic Self Circle.

For a long time I thought I could do everything by myself: build my career, build my wealth, build my relationships… but I was limiting myself. When I opened myself up to group coaching, I noticed a huge shift. It allowed me to move through my thinking faster and as a result, waste less time.

What if community is the ultimate time saver, the ultimate inspiration vehicle for motivation?

This is your invitation to remove “I don’t know what to do” from your vocabulary as you learn to explore what works for you while being inspired by others.

Reclaim your power by taking ownership of your path, your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs.

We all have capacity for change, for more, for a different result, and it starts with a willingness to experience life the way you want to. Change is scary, no doubt, but a community can hold a space for you to build awareness, confidence, and the courage to go after what you want.

Join us in the Circle and see your work, your life, your world, transform.

Kirsten Schmidtke is a professional coach, speaker, and lover of lake life. She works with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them up-level their careers, businesses, and lives. Are you ready to explore what’s possible for you? Contact Kirsten to start the conversation!


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