If you want to make more money, start to embrace manifestation

I love money.

Oh, how the shame and judgment descends as I see the words written on the page.

While we are encouraged to succeed, to thrive, to grow, once money enters the conversation the mood turns to one of greed, selfishness, and sometimes even evil. In turn, we choke on our words asking for a raise, increasing our prices, or saying we want to make more money. We start to focus on what we don’t have and criticize others for having more than us. Our jealousy and envy cause us to only see lack and limitation and we begin to attract more of it into our lives.

What we focus on grows.

Do you desire more wealth in your life, or more debt?

Abundance cannot be created from lack. Prosperity cannot be created from scarcity. Wealth cannot be created by limitation.

If you want to create, make, or manifest more money into your life, you have to start on the inside.

At first it might sound counterintuitive as money is a tangible and external thing, but this shift in thinking and building awareness is critical to creating wealth consciously.

After all, money is energy. And energy is everywhere. It is always flowing, always available to us. It doesn’t discriminate or have a bias. The false assumption being that if someone else has it, we can’t. And if we are earning more money for ourselves, we are taking from someone else. But doesn’t prosperity for you create prosperity for others? A rising tide lifts all boats.

You create your own reality and you create your own economy. You have the power to stand in choice and have agency in your life. You have access to everything you need to create more wealth in your life.

Making money starts in the mind as its creation is sourced from our thinking.

The only place we can cure our lack and limitation is in our own mind. We don’t need to work on external conditions; we need only to work on ourselves. Our internal thoughts will manifest as our external conditions.” - Joseph Murphy

While manifesting might get thrown around with the zeitgeist, it could be the very thing missing from creating more wealth, abundance, and money in your life. After all, its definition is simple: to create what you want with intention.

The key piece being what you want. Too often, we are so clear on what we don’t want that we place our focus there, and what does that create? More of what you don’t want. Manifestation is rooted in the law of attraction: our thoughts create our reality. Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes. Belief in ourselves attracts opportunity. Joy and happiness attracts abundance and wealth.

If you’re ready to manifest more (do I dare say money?) in your life, explore the following framework:

Listen to your intuition

Whether through meditation, prayer, or simply stillness and quiet, listen for what you want.

Tap into your imagination

Ask yourself: what would be possible if anything was possible?

Allow ideas to form

No judgment. No guilt. No shame.

Connect to your desire

Its strength will affirm your commitment and help you push past resistance.

Create an open mind

Surrender the outcome. Allow it to be.

Hold an undeniable belief

In yourself, in possibility.

Be ready to receive

There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until [they] believe [they] can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for beliefs.” - Napoleon Hill

Get in action

Attraction requires action.

See the result

Want to dive deeper and manifest more money? Join My Money Manifests - a masterclass and mastermind for women who want more wealth in their lives.

Kirsten Schmidtke is a professional coach, creator, and lover of lake life. She works with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them up-level their careers, businesses, and lives. Are you ready to explore what’s possible for you? Contact Kirsten to start the conversation!


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