Why a system is different than a goal & critical to success

When you’re not achieving your goal, is it the goal or is it the system?

Our goals are created from our desire for something; they are rooted in our being, in what lights us up and gets us going. Sometimes they begin as a dream that feels out of reach, other times they are a result of wanting to change our current situation or circumstances.

As you go after your goals, you are focused on taking action, you are focused on doing. But what happens when you aren’t seeing the results you had hoped for? The default is to do more. To question if you’re doing enough. You focus on do do do, and ignore what might be getting in your way

The system that isn’t supporting you.

Every system is perfect for the result it gets. If you want a different result, put in a different system.” - Steven Chandler

A faulty system often results in overdoing, leading to burnout and indifference. It’s no surprise you’re not achieving your goal - you’ve severed the tie that connected you to it in the first place.

But don’t you want to make it easier to go after what you want?

It’s time to audit, review, and test your systems.

Systems allow you to step into choice.

Systems improve decision making.

Systems reduce unnecessary work.

Systems eliminate distractions.

Systems keep you focused.

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” - James Clear

Systems create a process to help you achieve your goal.

State your goal and ask yourself:

What is the system I have in place for creating what I want?

Spoiler alert: you likely have systems in place that are creating what you don’t want.

For example, are you hitting the snooze button? After all, it’s a great system that helps you to sleep longer. Where else are you hitting snooze in your life? In your business? In your career?

There is no doubt that habits can disguise themselves as systems, but here is the difference:

A system enables you to take action in support of your goals.

It supports you in creating habits that are aligned to your goal. A strong system allows you to be in the process and not solely focused on the outcome.

When we focus only on the outcome, our goal is immediately at risk. We have a predetermined idea of how, when, and where our goal will be realized. And when we get stuck, we push ourselves to do more instead of doing it differently or do I dare say, doing less.

Rather than controlling the goal, focus on strengthening the system.

Through discipline comes freedom.” - Aristotle

Goals require an investment of time and energy and strong systems are designed to guide us on where to spend our time and energy. Some example of systems that have supported clients in achieving their goals include:

Using the calendar

Weekly progress reviews

Follow up Fridays

Weekend meal planning


Balancing the books

Get curious; test and try new things.

This is a not a one-size-fits-all model.

Neil Pasricha shares that we have 1000 minutes a day which results in a lot of decision making. (One of his favourite systems: “untouchable time” where he is unavailable via phone, text, email, etc.). It’s no surprise that we’re all exhausted from decision fatigue. The cure? Focus.

Find the system and focus will follow.

When you find yourself faced with doubt, fear, or any type of resistance, return to the system. Lean on the system to lean into action. Make the call. Write the email. Do the workout. Take the nap. Or simply, breathe.

Kirsten Schmidtke is a professional coach, creator, and lover of lake life. She works with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them up-level their careers, businesses, and lives. Are you ready to explore what’s possible for you? Contact Kirsten to start the conversation!


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