Why aren’t you creating the wealth you are worthy of?

This post could be summarized in three words:

You are worthy.

But somehow it doesn’t cut it. Somehow, it doesn’t seem to be enough.

One of my favourite things to talk about is money. Unfortunately, I’ve learned over time that I’m the exception to the rule. I generally keep from writing about gender disparity in an effort not to stereotype or make assumptions, but this one requires an exception. For too long I have undervalued the conversation about value - more specifically, how women value themselves in the world and how they communicate that value.

What keeps me up at night is how there are still so many women out there not believing in themselves, not believing they are enough, not believing they are worthy. Smart, capable, skilled women who are not charging for their time, their value. They are actively blocking themselves from attracting abundance and creating wealth in their businesses, their careers, and their lives. There is still work to do to help women feel worthy of wealth.

What’s in the way? How can women shift their focus from one of limitation and scarcity to prosperity and growth?

See money for what it is:


Money is merely a human invention to make trade easier and more accessible. It is the currency with which we use to transact - it is the tangible thing that allows us to exchange. And when we are charging for our products and services, or negotiating our salary, we are exchanging energy with another person, another business, or another entity.

The question is: are your energy exchanges abundant or criminal? Or do they sit somewhere in the middle and are partial, or fair? The work is to move towards abundant energy exchanges and away from overgiving. When we overgive, we are leading from a place of fear, neediness, and do I dare say, desperation.

The truth is energy, in the form of money, is available to you. It’s there for the taking if you’re open to receiving it. It’s there for you to accept if you believe you are worthy of it. The trouble comes when we don’t ask for what our work, our energy, is worth. Or worse yet: when payments and invoices are out of balance or overdue, we aren’t standing in our integrity and asking to get paid. After all, what we are being paid is just a number - it holds no weight, no meaning. Or as Steve Chandler likes to say: know your numbers (what you charge) like you know your phone number and hold them just as lightly.

[How much money you charge is] what you offer in exchange for the energy you are providing to your client in the form of whatever services or products you provide.” - Steve Chandler

And while we work to attract more energy to ourselves, it is also important to build awareness on where we expend our energy. You set boundaries on all other forms of energy in your life including time, activity, emotions, so why not with money?

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Are you chasing after things to fix you, your life, your business, your career? News flash: you don’t need fixing. Spending money on things that will fix you because you think you’re broken because someone told you that is a waste of energy. Regardless of what the media says, you have everything you need inside of you to be who you want to be, to create the life you want to have.

Refocus on what you want, on what you believe in (ahem, yourself), and let the energy flow. And return to the beginning of this post and remind yourself:

You are worthy.

When you believe you are worthy, you hold the frequency of what you are worth, and you attract those that are aligned to it - and the energy exchanges are nothing but abundant.

Kirsten Schmidtke is a professional coach, creator, and lover of lake life. She works with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them up-level their careers, businesses, and lives. Are you ready to explore what’s possible for you? Contact Kirsten to start the conversation!


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