Journal prompts
for every week of the year
What do I want?
Why do I want what I want?
What would best serve me right now?
What does it mean to be my true Self?
What is working out for me right now?
What am I looking to move in my life?
What is possible today?
What does my heart have to say?
What is a yes for me today?
What do I have to offer today?
What do I want to awaken in myself?
How can I love myself first?
What do I want to create?
Who do I want to be?
What am I grateful for?
If I had what I wanted, how would I feel?
What question do you keep asking yourself?
Where do I want to go next?
How does achieving my goals benefit the people and world around me?
What do I appreciate about myself?
What are my gifts and how can I use them (in service to myself and others)?
What limiting assumptions am I making about my life? About myself?
What is true and liberating for me?
What lights me up?
If my body could talk, what would it be saying?
What can I leave behind in service of living my truth?
What do I need to clear so that I can step into my purpose?
What is my purpose?
How does my current work serve my vision for myself?
What would be possible when I have what I want?
In a year from now, what does my life look like, feel like, smell like, sound like, taste like?
What would need to shift in your lifestyle in order to prioritize acceptance of your body?
How does what Iām working on now serve where I want to go?
How does this serve who I want to be?
What am I all-in on?
How will I show up today?
What do I need to remove? What weed needs to be removed from my garden?
What does my soul need today?
How do I want to feel?
What obstacles are in the way of my goal/intention?
What step (or action) can I take today in service of my goal, intention, vision?
What new habits will support me in achieving my goals?
What do I need to believe about myself in order to achieve my goals?
What do I need to take responsibility for in my life?
What story am I ready to let go of?
What am I committed to?
What am I all-in on?
What is my next level? (in my business, in my life)
Who am I being that gets me to the next level in my life?
What am I committed to?
What makes me curious?
How can I listen more today?
What do I want more of in my life?
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