How To Get Motivated Once And For All

This quote nearly floored me, it was so powerful.

Simple in principle, but life-changing in practice.

After all, aren’t those the best ones? And the best part was its application extended into every area of my life, and as a result, every area of my client’s lives, and I bet, every area of your life. 

There are many things we want for ourselves, but sometimes getting started is the hardest part - especially when we are facing something new. Think about it: What is keeping you from working out? Sending out your resume? Getting that presentation prepared, or paper written?


Or lack thereof. It tends to be the ego’s first line of defense, our biggest blocker in getting the sh*t done that will move us, and our lives, forward. A lack of motivation is an obstacle we all run into when going after a goal. After all, a goal is something we don’t already have, it’s laden with unfamiliarity and the unknown. Our ego wants to keep us in the safe space of predictability but nothing new, exciting, or transformative ever comes from there. 

So, how then, do we pick it up? Change the pace? Get into action?

This is where the quotes comes in: 

Movement manifests motivation.” - Marisa Peer

Yes, it is true that a walk mid-day, a morning yoga class, or a dance party in our living room, can release the endorphins to shift our mood, our mindset, and lead us to being motivated. But what if that was only the beginning? What if that was only one possibility? 

Movement is not synonymous with exercise.

In fact, every variation of its definition includes the word change. 

So, I ask you to take it one step further and ask yourself:

What are you looking to move in your life?

In your relationships? In your business?... 

If you’ve been lacking the motivation to get started, it could be that you are stuck in a rut of inaction. Too often we get comfortable in concept mode, going over and over the details of the thing that we want to make happen (paralysis by analysis, anyone?).

But the only way out is by taking action. By making a move. 

As you move yourself from concept to practice, from dreaming to doing, from inaction to action, there is a shift in your energy. And that shift, that change in energy, is all you need to get motivated.

Manifestation does not exist without action.

When you create movement, you harness the power of all the forces surrounding you to join you in support of your action. The resulting motivation is the momentum that will carry you through to the end. 

Let me know how you’ll move today in the comments below!

Kirsten Schmidtke is a professional coach, creator, and lover of lake life. She works with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them up-level their careers, businesses, and lives. Are you ready to explore what’s possible for you? Contact Kirsten to start the conversation!


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